Frequently Asked Questions


Doors will open 30 minutes prior to service starting. You will be able to arrive 45 minutes before the service begins. Please do not save seats or arrive prior to one hour before the service.

Our main parking lot is off Moose Club Rd. located by the children’s ministry entrance. Parking lot attendants will help direct you.

Children & Youth


After you park, head towards the blue doors under the awning.  A team member will be available to check your child into their class. 

1. Stay home when appropriate

Train leaders to recognize any symptoms. (Fever, Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Fatigue, Muscle or body aches, Headache, New loss of taste or smell, Sore throat, Congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea)

  • If a child/leader is visibly sick or communicates having any symptoms, they will be sent home.
  • If a child/leader is immune-compromised, 65+, or has been exposed to someone who is sick, we will ask them to use their best judgment in joining us.

2. Cleaning and Disinfection

  • Train leaders on enhanced cleaning protocols
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
  • Develop a cleaning schedule to ensure routine deep cleaning
  • Clean toys between services
  • No cleaning products near or accessible to children

Our Generation 116 Youth Group meet every Friday at 6:00PM in the Brickhouse.  (Ages 12-19)

Children in Sanctuary

No children under the age of 8 are permitted in the sanctuary during the teaching.

The leadership of Calvary Chapel Lake Norman recognizes this as one of the most misunderstood practices of the fellowship. It is also a practice that not everyone can agree with and participate in. It is not our intention to imply that our way of holding services is the only right way to do it, but we do desire to explain the reasons for why we have established this policy and continue to enforce its adherence for all who attend the regular services of Calvary Chapel Lake Norman.

Not including His healings, there are two occasions where Jesus directly interacted with children in the Scriptures. The first is found in Mark 9:36-37 where it says, “Then He took a little child and set him in the midst of them. And when He had taken him in His arms, He said to them, ‘Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me.’” The other is found in Mark 10:13-16 (and the parallel passages of Matthew 19:13-14 and Luke 18:16). In that passage “they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them.  But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, ‘Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.’  And He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them.”

From these passages, we see two things that Jesus did specifically when dealing with children that we try to implement in the ministry of Calvary Chapel Lake Norman. The first thing is that Jesus invited children to come to Him directly.  We believe that our children’s ministry is designed to allow children to hear of, see, and meet Jesus directly through the Bible teaching and genuine care offered to children at their level of understanding. Our children’s ministry is not merely child care. It is intentionally teaching the same lessons and studies that the adults are receiving, but at a level of understanding that coincides with the children’s maturity and development. Therefore, the child can gain an understanding and experience of God for themselves as the children are taught and shown the life of Christ through the Scriptures.

The other thing we clearly see from Jesus’ dealings with children in the Scriptures is the personal contact He makes with them when interacting with them. We see Jesus take up the children in His arms and lay His hands on them to bless them. Children respond much better to teaching when it is reinforced with personal interaction. This would simply be impossible to do in the main services with the adults. In addition, the added physical care a child needs through touch and presence is especially distracting to adults who do not need the same kinds of reinforcement when sitting under instructional teaching. Therefore, we separate children from adults in teaching settings so both can get what they need. And it is our hope that when they come back together as a family, that each are better for the time they spent with Jesus. And if each are better, the family as a whole will be better.

Due to the acoustics in our sanctuary, the sound travels. So when a child cries it is very loud and distracting for all in the sanctuary.

We do not believe the main services at Calvary Chapel Lake Norman are meant to be times of family worship. We do however believe it is important to worship and learn of God together with the people you love most in life. Therefore, we strongly encourage family devotions, small group home gatherings, and other events of the church for families to participate in together as they serve and worship God. However, during the teaching times of the church, we believe it is important to focus less on the family aspect of worship and more on the individual aspect of hearing, seeing, and knowing God. During Sunday morning service and Wednesday evening service, we have designated a mere 3 hours a week to apostle’s doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers so that each person who attends at Calvary Chapel Lake Norman can hear from and meet with God personally and directly.

How we at Calvary Chapel Lake Norman have chosen to order our church service is not the only way to order a service, but we do believe it does better facilitate our primary objective of teaching God’s Word so that individuals know, hear and see God. Our order is designed to create an environment for learning for both the children and the adults.  We believe God meets the adults in the sanctuary during the main services of the church, and we also believe that Jesus is meeting children directly in the various classes and through the various teachers scattered throughout the building on a Sunday morning or a Wednesday evening.

Our Kidz Zone ministry is available to children ages 0-11. At your discretion, you may enter the sanctuary with a 10 or 11 year old. Children under 8 are not permitted into the sanctuary. We have an overflow room known as The Brickhouse Cafe, for any child who is having trouble adjusting to our Kidz Zone ministry.


If you have any questions about this practice, or if you and your family have specific circumstances that make it difficult to follow this practice, please feel free to reach out.  We love you and sincerely hope that services at Calvary Chapel Lake Norman are special times set apart to meet with Jesus.

God bless you all.

Our service times are 9AM and 11AM every Sunday, and 6:30PM Wednesday nights. You can watch all our services at 

Yes, we stream our services online to YouTube and our website. We will continue to do this for the foreseeable future.

We don’t have formal memberships but you can consider yourself one if you participate in these 3 ways: Attending Regularly. Giving Regularly. Serving Regularly

No, we are not. However, if you feel more comfortable social distancing, we have overflow seating available.

Yes! Our Kidz Zone is open to all children, ages 0-11. However, if your child has been sick we ask that you do not bring them to class.

We do not pass an offering plate during our services, however, we certainly believe in the Biblical principle of giving. Tithe boxes are located in the sanctuary, or you can give online.

While we are glad that you are worshiping with us, we wish to inform you of our church wide policy regarding animals on church property.

Due to liability issues and concerns, only Guide dogs / Seeing Eye® dogs will be allowed on church property. This includes any animals left in cars while attending worship services.

Effective Feb. 1, 2021
Reference: US. Department of Justice Civil Right
Division Disability Rights
Section FAQ about Service
Animals and the ADA

The safety of our church members is of utmost importance. Hand sanitizing stations have been placed throughout the campus. There will be a certified cleaning company sanitizing the campus throughout the day. We ask you to stay home if you or your children have any signs of illness.

Yes, all of our ministries are still happening!

We offer Women’s Bible study, Youth Group, Men’s prayer,  Tuesday morning prayer, and many others.

Come as you are. We do not have a formal dress code. Most people attend casually dressed and some people enjoy dressing up.

Unfortunately, you are unable to save seats for anyone except your family as we need to make sure we have seats for everyone. Seating is based on a first come, first served basis.

Only bottled water will be permitted in the main sanctuary. In the other areas, water and small snacks for children will be allowed.

If you are sitting in the sanctuary, strollers will need to be parked outside the building or in the hallways.

New Believer's Information

Did you pray to receive Christ? Welcome to the family of God! Knowing Jesus is the most fulfiling relationship you will ever have and the beginning of a new journey.

Fill out the info below and we will get in touch with you to send you a new Bible and pray with you.

Ministry Interest Form

We’re glad that you are interested in being a part of the worship experience and teaching here at Calvary Chapel Lake Norman. We want to invite you to grow in your walk with the Lord and become involved in the ministries and activities of your fellowship.

We believe that serving is vital in the body of Christ, and getting involved is easy.

Please complete this Ministry Interest Form. We will email you additional information to apply for the ministry you have expressed an interest in.

Growing Believer’s Information

Now that you know the Lord, it’s time to live for Him. Let us help you with the next steps as you grow in your walk with the Lord through reading God’s Word, trusting His promises, living on purpose and sharing Jesus with others.

Fill out the info below and we will show you the next steps.