
For Ashes

A Post-Abortion Bible Study for Women

About Us

Here at CCLKN in Statesville, NC, we offer an 8-Week Bible study to apply the truth of God’s Word to the pain, guilt, and shame that keeps post-abortive women in hiding, bound, and strangled by fear. 

Our purpose is to see women set free from the ravages of abortion, to assist them along the journey of healing so that they can begin to walk in the wholeness and freedom available to them in Christ.

All inquiries are confidential. 

“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.”  -Revelation 12:11

To give them beauty for ashes...
- Isaiah 61:3

Symptoms of Post-Abortion Distress in Women

A woman may experience emotional or behavioral changes after experiencing child loss from abortion. Symptoms may not necessarily appear together, nor will any particular woman experience all of them.

Emotional/Psychological Symptoms
Unable to "forgive herself"
Emotionally numb
Feels degraded/debased
Fears God's punishment
Feels exploited
Feels rejected
Fears/dreams about losing a child
Flashbacks and/or nightmares
Fears another pregnancy or infertility
Feels inferior
Fears failure

Behavioral Changes
Sleep disturbances
Crying spells
Divides time into "before" and "after" the abortion
Avoids baby reminders
Reduced motivation
Struggles to complete tasks
Struggles with time management
Loss of normal sources of pleasure
Self-punishing and/or self-degrading behavior
Develops eating disorders
Alcohol and/or drug abuse
Suicidal impulses
Promiscuity or frigidity
Loss of interest in sex
Marital stress
Abusive/tolerates abusive relationships
Compulsive collecting/hoarding
Withdraws from others
Difficulty with all types of intimacy
Changes in relationships
Wants replacement/atonement child
Damaged mother/child relationships
Over-protective of living children
Fails to bond with subsequent children
Damaged feminine concept
Anniversary/due date reaction

Facilitating Biblical Healing© Cooter, Rice, Stoner

Not Local?

If you’re looking for an abortion recovery program, but you’re not in the area, take a look at Restored Life. Their mission is to see those struggling with the aftermath of abortion be completely set free, to come out of hiding, and receive restorative ministry. 

"There is healing and wholeness through Jesus Christ...
even for abortion."
-Kim Lussier

Forgiven and Set Free

Be forgiven and set free. Get involved in a study today. 

New Believer's Information

Did you pray to receive Christ? Welcome to the family of God! Knowing Jesus is the most fulfiling relationship you will ever have and the beginning of a new journey.

Fill out the info below and we will get in touch with you to send you a new Bible and pray with you.

Ministry Interest Form

We’re glad that you are interested in being a part of the worship experience and teaching here at Calvary Chapel Lake Norman. We want to invite you to grow in your walk with the Lord and become involved in the ministries and activities of your fellowship.

We believe that serving is vital in the body of Christ, and getting involved is easy.

Please complete this Ministry Interest Form. We will email you additional information to apply for the ministry you have expressed an interest in.

Growing Believer’s Information

Now that you know the Lord, it’s time to live for Him. Let us help you with the next steps as you grow in your walk with the Lord through reading God’s Word, trusting His promises, living on purpose and sharing Jesus with others.

Fill out the info below and we will show you the next steps.