Looking for ways to get involved
and start serving?


There are so many ways to get involved and serve the body of Christ and the community around you. Prayerfully consider how God may want to use you to serve others.

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. –Ephesians 2:10 

Never underestimate how God could use you! 

Calvary Kids

Children's Ministry

Compassionately caring for children ages 0-11. The kids learn biblical truths, all while having tons of fun!

Clean Team

Clean Team

Keeping the church grounds clean and ready for services.

Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Our Community Outreach team go out into the community to distribute food and the love of Jesus.

Connections (Greeters, Info Booth)

Connections (Greeters, Info Booth)

The friendly, sliming faces you see as soon as you walk in.

Green Team

Green Team

They keep the church ground mowed, trees cut, flower beds beautiful, and more.



They serve food, keep the coffee pots full, and are welcoming people in.

Media Team (Audio/Video)

Media Team (Audio/Video)

The A/V team does sound, projects lyrics and slides, and stream the feed all around the campus and online.

Ushers / Parking Lot

Ushers / Parking Lot

They help direct people, welcome them in, and keep the church grounds safe during service.

Wednesday Night Dinner Team

Wednesday Night Dinner Team

Serving dinner, making coffee, and helping clean up

Worship Team

Worship Team

Use your musical talents to lead others in worshipping the King.

How can I serve?

Fill out our ministry interest form and let us know how you would like to get involved!

New Believer's Information

Did you pray to receive Christ? Welcome to the family of God! Knowing Jesus is the most fulfiling relationship you will ever have and the beginning of a new journey.

Fill out the info below and we will get in touch with you to send you a new Bible and pray with you.

Ministry Interest Form

We’re glad that you are interested in being a part of the worship experience and teaching here at Calvary Chapel Lake Norman. We want to invite you to grow in your walk with the Lord and become involved in the ministries and activities of your fellowship.

We believe that serving is vital in the body of Christ, and getting involved is easy.

Please complete this Ministry Interest Form. We will email you additional information to apply for the ministry you have expressed an interest in.

Growing Believer’s Information

Now that you know The Lord, it’s time to live for him. Let us help you with the next steps as you grow in your walk with the Lord through reading God’s Word, trusting His promises, living on purpose and sharing Jesus with others.

Fill out the info below and we will show you the next steps.